Year 6 - Fair Play House trip
Dear Parents & Carers,
This is just a reminder to relay some of the essential information regarding Year 6’s visits to Fair Play House on the first week back after the Christmas holidays.
For those going on Monday 6th January (6S & 6GC), the coach will be leaving at 9.30am and no later. Your child should come to school at the normal time (8.55am) and head to the Year 5/6 dinner hall. There will be NO Breakfast Club on this day.
Please note that Monday 6th is an INSET so 6C and 6K (as well any children not going to FPH from 6S and 6GC) will return to school on Tuesday 7th January.
On Wednesday 8th (6C & 6K), the coach will leave at around 10.30am. Your child should come to school at the normal time (8.55am) and head to the Year 5/6 dinner hall.
*Children are NOT required to bring a packed lunch with them on the day they travel to FPH.
* Children DO NOT need to come to school wearing school uniform, but make sure that your child is wearing appropriate clothing (e.g. jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, and trainers) as they will be completing their first activity in these clothes when they arrive at FPH. Please do not put your child’s hair up in fancy hairstyles (e.g. buns) as they will have to wear helmets during most activities at FPH.
* Please pick your children up at normal time at the end of the school day (3.15pm) when they return from FPH. Children who are home alone will be allowed to go home alone at the usual time. Please speak to your child beforehand so they know the arrangements - whether they are to go home alone or that you are collecting them.
*There will be NO BOOSTER CLUBS for Y6 during that first week back. We recommend that children don’t attend clubs the day they return from FPH as they will be very tired and will want to see you.
*Please refer to the equipment form overleaf for essential items to bring. As it is winter, please make sure that your child has appropriate clothing for adverse weather conditions e.g. a couple of warm jumpers, a warm waterproof coat, waterproof trousers (if possible).
*If your child is required to take medicine, bring this clearly labelled with their name, the dosage and time that it needs to be taken and HAND IT to a member of staff in the morning they are going to FPH. If you child has asthma please ensure they have their inhaler(s) and if they require epipens, please ensure they have these as well.
6S and 6GC will be going to Fair Play House on Monday 6th January and will return on Wednesday 8th January 2020.
6C and 6K will be going to Fair Play House on Wednesday 8th January and will return on Friday 10th January 2020.
Kind regards
Mr Smale
Head of Y6
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