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Curwen Primary School


Year 1 & 2 Christmas Concert - tomorrow 6.12.19

Dear Parents & Carers,

This is just another reminder that Year 1 & 2 will be holding their Christmas concert on Friday 6th December (tomorrow).

There will be 2 identical performances with all children performing at both concerts. They will take place at 9:30am and the other at 2:15pm. Please only attend one of the performances. 

Please note that for this event, pushchairs can be brought into the school building, but are not permitted into the hall due to space limitations.

Please arrive on time as we will be starting promptly at 9:30am and 2:15pm. Unfortunately, if you arrive after this time you will not be able to come in. This is because latecomers disturb the children who have worked very hard on their performances. It is very daunting standing up in front of people without having doors opening and closing to let people in, and this distracts and upsets the children. Thank you in advance for your support with this.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

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