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Curwen Primary School

Grace - My Curwen Story

I really enjoy doing sports and P.E. at Curwen, especially races long jump and getting ready for Sports Day! Tae Kwondo is really fun and I have done my green with blue stripe grading. I do sports out of school such as athletics, football and swimming.

This year I have been a School Councillor. We got to meet Lynn Brown (MP) and she spoke to us about how to be a good leader which inspired us as she explained how the Houses of Parliament work. We also went to Wembley Arena for WE Day and listened to the speakers about lots of issues including refugee camps and environmental issues. This inspired the School Council to set up an Environment Week which was great because lots of people really enjoyed it and we raised over £200 for environmental charities. We also did survey about this, and went outside to get the views of the rest of the school and how we can recycle more.

I went to the Lake District this year which was really fun. We climbed a mountain which was rainy, cloudy and cold but we saw lovely views. At the end we had hot chocolate to warm us up which was good! It was a great achievement to get up a mountain.

In the future, I want to achieve at SATs and get into a good school. I am hoping to go to Lister. I am looking forward to meeting new friends when I go. When I grow up I would like to be a sports champion!