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Curwen Primary School


Clara - My Curwen Story

My name is Clara and I am eight years old. I have been coming to Curwen since Nursery and it feels like it’s my home. In Curwen there are over 800 children and if you don’t speak English but want to come here don’t worry because we have lots of Young Translators who can help. Each month there is a language of the month so that if you only speak English you can learn multiple languages. I speak Portuguese at home, and in March that was the language of the month so I was an expert and everyone was asking me how to say, ‘hello.’ In Portuguese it is ‘Ola!’ This year I am a Reading Buddy. I applied for the job and Ms Fuller interviewed me. Because I can read fluently I got the job! Being a Reading Buddy I go to the year 1 and 2 playground at lunchtime to ask children if they would like to read. If they do, I take them to the library. First they read to me and then I read to them. I enjoy my job very much. Next year I want to be a Young Translator as well as a Reading Buddy. When I grow up I want to be an artist because I enjoy drawing in my free time and I find it fun.