Year 5 Big Outcome - Ancient Greece
On Tuesday 27th November year 5 held their big outcome at the end of their Ancient Greek topic. All of the children and staff's hard work was showcased in a museum held in the year 5 and 6 dinner hall. This included work from all areas of the curriculum with stop-motion animations for ICT, pot designs in Art, story writing in literacy. There were shields, masks, swords, temples and sandals which the children had made as part of their project homework.
After looking around the museum, parents of children in 5C and 5R helped their children make some Greek pots, whilst parents of children in 5S helped to paint Greek pots. We then all went to the main hall for 5B's production of Pandora's Box.
The children loved sharing their work with their parents and we were overwhelmed by the amount of parents who were able to take the time to come in to support their children.
Well done year 5!
Please visit the gallery for more photos.