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Curwen Primary School


TTLT Panathlon Festival

Curwen hosted the first TTLT sports competition of the summer in the form of a Panathlon Festival on Friday 19th April. The 9 children who took part in the festival were incredibly excited as they participated in the various activities and challenges that were set up for them.

The festival provided a great opportunity for the children to not only showcase their physical skills but also to learn new techniques and work as a team. They had the chance to practice their throwing, rolling, and passing skills through activities such as Boccia, Kurling, and Bowling.

The atmosphere at the festival was fantastic with children from each school clearly enjoying themselves whilst taking part in the activities, with staff and volunteers also showing an eagerness to get involved and support the children throughout. Curwen capped off a great day to finish with the highest total score out of all the schools participating which resulted in all the children receiving gold medals.

Overall, the TTLT Panathlon Festival was a fantastic experience and something that Curwen look forward to entering again.