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Curwen Primary School


School News

All the latest news from Curwen Primary School

Page 6

  • Sculpture in the city workshop

    Published 06/10/23

    Some of our year 5 and 6 children had the amazing opportunity to participate in the Sculpture in the City programme- the first Newham school to participate! The children attended 4 workshops over the space of two days where they had the opportunity to visit and explore various art pieces and sculptures within the City of London. They also drew their own skylines from a high rise building and made their own collages. The final workshop ended with them working collaboratively to make their own sculptures incorporating their artwork from previous workshops.

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  • Ten-Pin bowling competition

    Published 05/10/23

    On Tuesday (3rd October), six of our children represented Curwen in the Ten-Pin bowling competition against other schools.

    Each player threw their bowling ball down the lanes in order to hit the pins over for points and the team with the highest number of points won the competition. Our talented Curwen team managed to achieve a total score of 491, placing us 4th out of the 11 schools. Muntaha 6C managed to achieve 110 points which was the highest score in the competition! Well done Muntaha!

    All of the children really enjoyed it and they can’t wait for the next one. 

    Tzuriel 5PB said “I like getting medals.” 

    Yusuf 5PB said “It was lots of fun!”

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  • Girls Football Festival

    Published 04/10/23

    Curwen competed at their first TTLT competition of the year on Friday 29th September as they travelled to Memorial Park for a girl’s football festival.

    There were 11 schools and over 120 girls competing at the festival with Curwen being placed alongside Earlham, Kensington and Selwyn in Group 2. The girls won their first game 3-0 against Selwyn, before narrowly losing to Earlham 0-1. They finished the tournament in style however winning their final game 4-0 against Kensington to claim second place in the group and ensure they went home with medals.

    Well done to these children who represented the school amazingly: Laila (6C), Janat (6C), Kaci-Ann (6C), Anaiya (6R), Georgia-Marie (6K), Alice (5T), Kasey (5T), Aisha (5PB), Kiarrah (5PB).

    Special mention also to Luna (6A) and Anushka (6K) who covered the festival as part of the new TTLT Media Team.  

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  • Family Library Club

    Published 03/10/23

    Monday 2nd October saw the launch of our very Family Library Club which was a huge success! Over 30 families joined our friendly school librarian Mrs Fuller after school, to read for pleasure with friends and family members.

    Family Library Club takes place every Monday after school between 3:30 and 4:15pm and everyone is welcome. This is an opportunity to:

    • Explore Curwen’s school library with your child
    • Take some quiet time to come and read with your child
    • Explore our multilingual books on offer
    • Share stories together & develop a love of books and reading
    • Read your child’s school reading book with them and complete their reading record.


    Please note that for a child to stay and join in, they MUST be accompanied by an adult (over the age of 18) and are the sole responsibility of that adult during this session. Miss Fuller is there to only manage the school’s books and answer your questions about reading.

    If you would like to, then Miss Fuller will even set parents/carers up with their own Curwen library card to borrow and return books.

    There is no requirement to book a space in advance, please just turn up. You don’t have to come every single week, but we’d love to open up our library space for your enjoyment.

    If you are interested, then please just collect your child/children as normal from their classroom at the end of the school day and then wait outside 4A classroom until Miss Fuller arrives to let you in at 3:30pm. Please ensure, that before you enter the school library with Miss Fuller that your children have all their bikes and scooters, as they will not be permitted back into the playground to collect these later in the session.

    We look forward to seeing you next Monday if you can join us.






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  • Visit to meet book illustrator Joelle Avelino

    Published 02/10/23

    A group of year 2 and 3 children from our school took part in an event with picture book illustrator Joelle Avelino. The children had the opportunity to listen to the story "Mama's sleeping scarf" written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and learnt how Joelle Avelino found her inspiration and created the book's drawings. Our children were very fortunate to witness the drawing process of the book's main character and to draw it themselves by following Joelle's step by step instructions. What an exciting and rewarding experience! 

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  • Family Bike Club

    Published 29/09/23

    On Friday it was great to see so many of you joining our Family Bike Club session after school. The sun came out for a glorious afternoon of cycling and scooting and we even managed to get some children to learn to ride. A special well done to Elikia 2L and Humaira 3H, who persevered and rode their bikes without stabilisers for the very first time! A fantastic achievement! If you’re free this Friday, then please do come along! Everyone is welcome. For this club, children, adults and family members are all welcome to come and use the KS2
    playground to ride their bikes or scooters in a safe space. Either bring your own bike/scooter (and helmet) or use one of ours. Roller skates are also welcome. Please note that for a child to stay and join in, they MUST be accompanied by an adult (over the age of 18) and are the sole responsibility of that adult. If you or your child would like any help learning to ride a bike, then please speak to Miss Stuart or a member of staff at Bike club and we will be happy to help. We look forward to seeing you again this Friday.

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  • Year 4's visit to the London Mithreum and Guildhall

    Published 29/09/23

    During the last week of September Year 4 visited the London Mithraeum and Guildhall’s Roman Amphitheatre as part of our history topic on the Romans. We got to see the remains of a Roman temple in the Mithraeum and experience what happened in Roman temples by listening to some of the Latin chanting that used to happen during Roman times. We also saw over 600 artefacts used in everyday life. In the amphitheatre we saw where gladiators used to fight in Londinium and learned how brutal the games were! We recorded videos of ourselves sharing what we had learned about the amphitheatre to add to our Roman presentations in our computing lessons.



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  • Year 2's visit to St Paul’s

    Published 26/09/23

    Year 2 visited St Paul’s Cathedral during our topic in History about ‘The Great Fire of London’ where we had a guided tour of the cathedral and talked about what happened during the fire and what London looks like now. 

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - Multimedia\...Year 2\2023-2024\2G\St pauls\IMG_2133.JPG



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  • Baseball Festival

    Published 22/09/23

    Curwen had a fantastic time at Ranelagh Primary School on Friday 22nd September celebrating the
    launch of Ranelagh Rockets.
    A team of 10 children participated in a Baseball festival on the new diamond court at Ranelagh,
    trying their hand at a range of pitching, throwing and batting activities. They also got to play some
    small-sided games against North Beckton, Kensington and Ranelagh where they could showcase
    their fantastic baseball skills.
    The children thoroughly enjoyed it and are very much looking forward to playing Baseball again
    Well done to these children who represented the school amazingly: Rafin (6A), Diana (6C), Tatyana
    (6C), Lorenzo (6R), Sumaiya (6R), Khalil (6R), Ashana (6R), Sufyaan (6K), Jaynie (5T), Thiago (5T).


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  • Inclusion Flagship School

    Published 22/03/23

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  • Lake District Trip 2023

    Published 21/03/23

    Some of our Year 5 children have spent the week enjoying the great outdoors, on their residential visit to Ullswater in The Lake District National Park. They've taken part in a variety of activities, including rock climbing, abseiling, gorge walking, hiking, tunnelling and visiting a local farm. They've also completed the John Muir Award. No doubt it's been an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. Click here to see photographs of their visit. 

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  • Gold Award for Youth Sport Trust

    Published 19/12/22
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  • Science Open Afternoon

    Published 08/12/22
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  • Spot Light on our Early Years Education

    Published 24/11/22
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  • SILVER Award for Healthy Schools London!

    Published 11/11/22
    A Silver Award from Healthy Schools London for Curwen Primary School. Well done Curwen on supporting children’s health and wellbeing​! This is a stepped award process. We already hold the Bronze Award for Healthy Schools London whi
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