Spring 1
In RE, we have been learning about Sikhism. We learnt that Sikhs show that follow their religion by wearing the 5Ks, which are the Kirpan, Karchera, Kara, Kesh and Kanga. We explored these artefacts and their meaning, for example the Kara is a bracelet that Sikhs wear to show that they believe that God has no end or beginning. In Geography we have been learning about hot and countries. We have used globes, atlases and compasses to find different continents in the world. We found out that the hottest countries are near the equator because it is closest to the sun.
This term we have been taking part in a poetry competition. We learnt to memorise a poem and then perform it with expression and intonation. We are looking at poems that are about empathy this year. Some of the poems we learnt included Jack and Jill, Incy Wincy Spider and Little Miss Muffet.
In Maths we have been looking at money. We looked at the different coins we have in the UK. Some children ordered them from the smallest to the biggest value and we used the coins to make lots of different amounts.