Autumn 1 Update
The children have had a fantastic first term in Reception and have settled in well with their new friends and teachers. Our topic this term is ‘Ourselves’ and we have been learning about our likes and dislikes. The children have learnt about our school rules and have developed their communication and language to share some of the rules they remember. We have talked about our similarities and differences between ourselves and shared some of our special boxes and what is special to us.
Every Monday morning our parents enjoy staying for our stay and play sessions, this is a chance to engage in a range of activities, talk to the teachers and have a look at their special pink book. We are a team and work together to support our children in school.
The children have been exploring our reading areas and enjoying a range of stories. We like to mark make on a larger scale outside with the letter stamps. Our children have also been exploring our mark making and sensory shed.
In maths the children have been learning positional language, they used the small world toys to position the character. We have learnt, on top, next to, besides and under. During our maths, we have also been counting and sorting objects into groups using a range of resources to support.