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Curwen Primary School


Reception Termly update & photos

Blog for the Reception Class

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  • Spring 1

    Published 23/01/25, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design  We have had so much fun this term in Reception. In our new topic, ‘My stories,’ we have been learning about authors, illustrators, characters and how stories are structured.
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 10/12/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design  This term we learnt about jobs in our school and went to visitor different people and places in school. We had fun going around the school and meeting the cook, the librarian, th
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 09/10/24, by Hana Mehmet
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design     The children have had a fantastic start and settled in well with their new friends and teachers. They are starting to understand our school rules, teamwork, and class
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  • Summer 2

    Published 11/07/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design   This term, our topic has been ‘Journeys’ and we have enjoyed talking about the journeys we have been to and the vehicles we can use to go to our favourite destinations.
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  • Summer 1

    Published 21/05/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design   This term, our topic is ‘Growth’ and we have thoroughly enjoyed talking and sharing what we have learnt about living things, ourselves and decay. We followed ins
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  • Spring 2

    Published 25/03/24, by Hana Mehmet

    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design


    Our topic this term is ‘Our World’, and we have been learning about where we live and different cultures. First, we looked at space, and the solar system, then focused on Earth. We had a go at using Google Maps to look at planets. Next, the children visited the Olympic Park and looked at a building designed by Zaha Hadid, our significant person. Finally, we experienced International Week, where we represented Bangladesh, and a mini world experience, where we visited another class. We had fun learning a dance routine with some traditional moves from Bangladesh and even got the chance to perform for our dance parents.




    This term, we have been learning many mathematical skills and words that we can use daily. For example, we have learnt about capacity , the difference between full and empty , and how to explain how much a container has in it. This term, for our number of the week we started exploring 2 digit numbers (10-20). We have been focussing on solving mixed maths stories using our fingers, different objects and the pupils tables. We also learnt how to use 3D shapes to make models by talking about the properties of shapes and using their names, just like our significant person Zaha Hadid does when she designs buildings. We had lots of fun thinking about what 3D shapes we can see in the environment





    For literacy we have been super busy! With International Week this term, we have been learning all about the country Bangladesh using non-fiction books to draw out facts that we can share with others. Some of us used our phonics sounds to write about what we have learnt about Bangladesh, for example in a form of a fact-file. We also got busy creating our story jars for World Book Day where we were able to present our jars to the rest of the class and adults. Some of us created the different characters from the story and included objects which linked to the theme and setting of the story.

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  • Spring 1

    Published 26/01/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design We have had so much fun this term in Reception. In our new topic, ‘My stories,’ we have been learning about authors, illustrators, characters and how stories are structured. We us
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 04/12/23, by Hana Mehmet
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design  We started this term talking about people that work in school. Reception had fun going around the school and meeting the cook, the librarian, the head teacher and the office staff and th
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 11/10/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design


    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

    The children have had a fantastic start and settled in well with their new friends and teachers. This term's topic is ‘Who am I’, and we have been learning about ourselves. The children have learnt about our school rules, teamwork and class routines. The children learnt about colour mixing and mixed skin tones to use for their self-portraits. The children have been using their communication skills to talk about their families, and they draw some amazing pictures. We have also been learning a song about harvest.

    Communication, Language and Literacy

    We had fun developing our literacy skills this term by mark-making in class using different media. We also worked on recognising and writing our names using lowercase letters. We have started exploring some phonics sounds by playing games during our sessions, and we have begun to practise blending the sounds. We enjoyed listening to different books about feelings, skin tone and families.


    The children have been singing number nursery rhymes and learning to count objects in maths. This term, each week, we have focused on one number. We have learnt to recognise the numbers 1-5, count the amount and do the correct amount of action to match the number. During our maths, we have built resilience when learning to match amounts to numerals, count and subitise.



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  • Summer 2

    Published 13/07/23, by Hana Mehmet
          Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design                 This term, our topic has been ‘Journeys’ and we have enjoy
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  • Summer 1

    Published 19/05/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Spring 2

    Published 24/03/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

    Our topic this term is ‘Our World’, and we have been learning about where we live and different cultures. First, we looked at space, and the solar system, then focused on Earth. We had a go at using Google Maps to look at planets. Next, the children visited the Olympic Park and looked at a building designed by Zaha Hadid, our significant person. Finally, we experienced International Week, where we represented China and Bangladesh, and a mini world experience, where we visited another class. We had fun learning a dance routine with some traditional moves from the countries we represented, created some artwork, and even got the chance to perform for our dance parents.


    We’ve been very busy exploring different skills linked to our topic “our world”, this term. For literacy, we’ve been using our Curwen core skills such as communication, resilience and reflection to ask different questions about books we’ve read and learning we’ve done. In addition, we’ve been using our phonics sounds to write or mark-make about different planets, countries and habitats. During International Week, we created our fact files and explored other non-fiction books to explore the countries China and Bangladesh. We also had lots of fun on World Book Day, celebrating our favourite books by presenting our sandwich boards to our teachers and friends.


    This term, we have been learning many mathematical skills and words that we can use daily. For example, we have learnt about weight, the difference between heavy and light, and how to measure it with different scales. We have been focusing on finding one more and one less of numbers using our fingers, different objects and number lines. We also learnt how to use 3D shapes to make models by talking about the properties of shapes and using their names, just like our significant person Zaha Hadid does when she designs buildings. We had lots of fun thinking about patterns with our friends.



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  • Spring 1

    Published 27/01/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design

    We have had so much fun this term in Reception. In our new topic, ‘My stories,’ we have been learning about authors and illustrators and how stories are structured. We used the story boxes we made at home with our family to introduce the topic and present our favourite stories to our friends and teachers. We used our communication and language skills to talk about what parts of the stories we liked and who our favourite characters were. Furthermore, we had a special visit from people from Stratford Discovery Centre, and we really enjoyed listening to their stories. We also used Now Press Play to listen to the Three Little Pig story and act it out in our classes, pretending to be all the different characters. 


    This term, we have been busy using various reading skills to explore our new topic, 'My Stories.' We created story boxes and used them to talk about our favourite stories. In phonics, we have been practising our set 1 and set 2 sounds and are now reading CVC words independently. We have been using our phonics sounds to label our pictures and attempting to write simple sentences. In reading time, we have been learning about poems and rhyming words. We used Julia Donaldson's books to learn about rhyming words and even learnt to recite the Gruffalo poem/song.


    This term we have been busy using our different Curwen Core Skills, particularly our communication and resilience skills to help us with our maths! We have been practising how to add using cups and learning the actions to assist us with adding. We say “get ready to get some more” when we add. We have also been learning how to subtract  using our cups, learning the actions and we learnt the phrase “get ready to take away”, when we work out our subtraction maths story. We are also learning how to subitise amounts, by looking at an amount and identifying them without having to count! This is a skill we are getting good at with plenty of practise. We are also learning how to use ordinal language and we related this to the Lunar New Year, and discussed the Legend of the Chinese Zodiac.


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  • Autumn 2

    Published 04/12/22, by Hana Mehmet
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design  We have had an impressive second term in Reception. Our topic this term is ‘People and Places’; we have been learning about different people in our community. We have learnt
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 14/10/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design The children have had an amazing start and settled in well with their new friends and teachers. Our topic this term is ‘Who am I’, and we have been learning about ourselves. The c
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