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Curwen Primary School




In Year 1, our young historians have embarked on exciting adventures on a variety of trips, exploring the topic of "Past and Present." Through engaging exploring the school, local area and toys, students have discovered how life has changed over time. They have also created a Royal portrait gallery to consolidate their understanding of Kings and Queens.

In Year 2, they have used a range of historical skills to explore the Great Fire of London and its impact on London, even visiting St Paul’s Cathedral for a tour as well as London bridge and  Pudding Lane. They have also been exploring human rights, learning from a range of significant people including Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Emmeline Pankhurst.


Year 5 has been exploring the impact Ancient Greece has had on London before inquiring and comparing the lives of the Victorians in London. From the Olympics to slavery, Year 5 has been during a variety of cross curricular opportunities to deepen their understanding of how the past has changed London.

Year 6

In Year 6, they explored the topic of the Elizabethan Era as well as WW2 and how it impacts East London. They have also researched the British Empire and commonwealth. To consolidate their enquiry into WW2 they have studied the impact and contributions from the Windrush generation, recapping on the learning in Year 5 on the Victorians.