Science Afternoon
The school was buzzing with scientific activity this afternoon as the children practised their science methods and skills and demonstrated their scientific knowledge to their parents.
There were a variety of fun and creative tasks happening, including the following:
Nursery children explored chemical reactions, dental hygiene, light and magnetism.
Reception children did lots of exploring, using a variety of equipment and observation skills such as making different colours with acetate, melting ice with salt and carrying out the Skittles experiment.
Children in Year 1 were considering materials to make a floating boat then predicting and testing them out.
Those in Year 2 were focusing on properties of materials and the care of animals to make a birdhouse.
Year 3 children were testing the acidity of drinks to see which would be the most and least healthy for our teeth – they made predictions and observations, used a scale, wrote up results and made conclusions.
Year 4 children were completing lots of activities to explore electricity including building circuits, Kahoot quizzes and health and safety spotters.
Year 5 children explored various scientific space models to understand what it would be like on other planets.
And children in Year 6 children completed a range of experiments using a variety of scientific methods and skills including making lava lamps, slime and invisible ink as well as testing conductors and insulators in electrical circuits.
It was clear to see that the children were thoroughly engaged with the range of activities and demonstrated a love of learning in science, which was great to share with their parents.
Thank you to all the teachers and staff that helped make this possible and to all the children and parents for their participation!