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Curwen Primary School


Spring 1

This term our theme is “Stories for us.” The children have been enjoying listening to a range of stories and learning how to handle books.  We have been exploring our reading area, visiting Curwen library and took a trip to Plaistow library with our families and friends. The children enjoy listening at story time and have discovered new stories and rhymes; they have been identifying the pictures and the writing in a range of reading materials.  


They are learning new words and phrases, such as front cover, back cover, pages, author and title. The children have been very busy using their imagination and exploring a range of media and materials to recreate the stories.  The children have worked individually and together to build houses and settings for the characters using different media and materials.


We have been introducing and modelling new vocabulary for the children and transferring this into their play when acting out the stories, making porridge and Gingerbread men. We had a go at cooking our own porridge and Gingerbread man. Working as a team we were able to check the ingredients we would need and follow the instructions to make these. The children were able to have a go pouring, stirring and even tasting the porridge and Gingerbread… just right! Through listening to the story and using objects the children have been using new vocabulary such as ‘big’, ‘medium’ and ‘small’ and were able to match the characters to the same size bed, bowl chair and spoon.


We have had some new friends join us this term, so we have been learning their names and showing them where everything belongs in Nursery. We are looking forward to learning about ‘People who us’ next term.