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Curwen Primary School


Summer 1

Understanding the World

This Summer 1 our theme has been ‘Growing; How We Change’. We have introduced the children to growth, explained what growth is, how things grow and how our bodies change too. We have learnt new vocabulary: incubator, growing, age, change, same, different, big and small, little and tall. We have find out: What thigs grow? Do I grow? How do I know I am growing?

The ducklings arrived at Curwen. The children had the opportunity to see them before they hatched inside the incubator, and they enjoyed seeing them having a swim in the little paddling pool. They were very brave and were able to gently stroke their fluffy down. Children are beginning to understand the key features of a life cycle.


Families sent children’s baby photos and children loved looking at them, showing how big their bodies are now and how they have changed. Children are beginning to remember and talk about significant events in their own experiences and recognise special times in their lives.

Children’s listening skills are developing and they are beginning to listen with increasing attention and recall. They have planted seeds similar to the story Jack and The Beanstalk. Showing curiosity about numbers, developing counting-like skills to find 5 beans like Jack.

Communication Language and Literacy

The Very Hungry Caterpillar story has encouraged children to explore colour and colour mixing in order to paint their own caterpillars, cocoons and butteries. Children have discovered how the caterpillar changed and grew up like themselves. Children are beginning to sequence the main events in a familiar story.

Children planted their own bean at home and families have helped them to look after them. Plants need: “compost, water and sun” Children are beginning to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things.

We look forward to next term to learn and experience all new different things!