Autumn 1
The Chase, Matilda and Local Democracy.
We have had a really busy but exciting start to the year and have already been on two trips to help us with our learning.
Our first trip was to The Chase at Dagenham. We learnt about seed dispersal. We found out that seeds can be dispersed by wind, water and animals. We looked for examples of each type of seed.
Our second trip was a trip in the West End to see the show Matilda. We travelled into central London by tube and walked up to the Cambridge Theatre. This year we are studying Roald Dahl as one of our key authors. We read Matilda, watched the film and then went to see the live theatre show. We are going to be completing a comparison between the book, film and show. During our guiding reading sessions we have been thinking about the personalities of the characters and how they behave.
In order to raise the money for the visit to the theatre, we held a sponsored triathlon. Each pupil ran, swam and rode during their PE lesson. This was a challenge as the sports were very energetic, but every pupil took part and tried their best. As a team we raised over £1500 towards our Matilda fund.
In our topic lessons, we have been learning about democracy and our local area. We have worked in groups and have presented our findings to the class. We also elected our Year 3 school councillors by listening very carefully to their campaigns. We then voted for the person we thought that would communicate our views and opinions.