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Curwen Primary School


Summer 2


In Year 3 this term, we have been learning all about the environment. We learned about different types of pollution and discussed ways of reducing it to protect our environment. In class, we also talked about the impact of pollution on animals including us, humans. To encourage people to look after our planet, we made posters concerning plastic in the ocean.



In maths this term, year 3 we have been reflecting on their learning. We have revisited money by looking at some money problems and exploring different currencies.

The children have also been challenging themselves and looking at negative numbers using a number line. It has been very interesting to see how negative numbers are use in everyday life.

We have also gone back to look at different methods for division namely, sharing and grouping.


In Literacy this term, we have been exploring a number of skills using the class text to support our learning. There has been a big focus on reading with fluency and expression during our whole class reading sessions.  Another skill that we have been practicing is summarizing a text. To help with this, the children first learned how to identify the main points in the text using the 5Ws – Who?, What, Where?, When? and Why? They then created a storyboard to re-tell the main events in story.