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Curwen Primary School


Summer 1


In Literacy, year 3 children have started preparing to write their disaster story. To do this, we have started looking at using noun phrases and expanded noun phrases to make their sentences interesting.

The children have been working in pairs to come up with their expanded noun phrases and have had a lot of fun learning how to use adjectives in different ways.

In addition, children have also been adding similes to their writing to enhance their story.


In Maths this term, we have been consolidating our knowledge of the four operations, and the methods we can use to solve one and two-step word problems.  After this, we started delving deeper into fractions, picking up from where we began this work in Autumn 2.  We have begun adding and subtracting fractions, finding fractions of amounts and we also started counting in and ordering decimal numbers.


In Year3, we have explored volcanoes and what causes them.  The children enjoyed learning about volcanoes in Music, Literacy and in Topic.

Using body percussion in Music, they were able to create the sounds of a volcano, to trace the various stages of its development before an eruption.  Reading the stories about the eruption, during Literacy, the children were able to imagine themselves in the midst of an eruption, and were able to write descriptive stories about the imagined experiences.