Autumn 2
In Maths this half-term we have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns. First we practiced making quarter, half, three quarter and full turns using the compass directions (north, east, south, west) that we learned about in Geography. Then we wrote a set of instructions on how to take the Beebots from one symbol to another on a grid. And finally, we followed our directions and made corrections where needed.
In science, we have been learning about the human body, specifically the skeleton and muscles. We learnt about some of the important bones in our body and what their purpose and function is. We also discovered that teeth are part of the skeleton and that is important we keep them healthy. After gaining all of our new scientific knowledge, we then put this into the Big Outcome performance for our families. It was great to share what we have learnt with them and we really enjoyed the opportunity to do so!
This half term, Year 3s have been busy writing our very own mystery story…
Our classrooms turned into a ‘crime scene’ one morning, as a whole cake tin full of cupcakes had suddenly disappeared! We searched high and low for clues, we questioned suspects, and listened to what a witness had to say. To make sure we captured all this into our stories, we explored similes and adverbial phrases to describe the setting, learnt how to use inverted commas for direct speech, and also discussed how we could make our stories more suspenseful using descriptive language and punctuation.
In the end, it turned out to be our very own Mr Smale who had snuck into our classrooms to help himself to our cakes! He has promised to make it up to us by baking for everyone, but that’s a whole other story…