Spring update
Year 2 enjoyed a busy spring term full of colour and celebration.
For World Book Day, we all dressed up as our favourite book characters and created a huge buzz around reading. Wearing our costumes and outfits allowed us to share what books we enjoy reading and gave us a chance to talk to others about different types of books. The day was a lot of fun and the costumes were great.
International Week was a huge success and we really enjoyed being a part of it and sharing our learning with our friends and family. We represented Ghana and for our Mini-World, provided a true Ghanaian experience. We had Azonto dancing and music making. There was delightful Ghana food to tantalise the taste buds. There was also a mind boggling Quiz while others made some authentic Ghanaian ‘Kente cloth’.
To end International week, Year 2 provided an exquisite carnival experience. With beautiful and bold head pieces and the finest Azonto dance moves on show, it truly was an extravaganza!