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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1


In Literacy, we have been developing our Literacy skills and listened to a range of stories about democracy week and why it is important to have a fair vote. We also developed our writing skills and wrote about the story ‘How to Heal a Broken Wing’ about making good choices to help others through looking at the key vocabulary of ‘empathy’ and ‘apathy.’ We have been developing our use of capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces and exposed to ‘noun phrases’ to develop our writing. Most recently, we used our listening and teamwork skills to listen to a story about our new topic ‘The Great Fire of London.’


In History, we have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ and the children have been extremely enthusiastic to learn about how the fire started and the impact it had on London. We have looked at a range of sources such as information books, images and researched some information about who, where and how the fire started. We had a fantastic time on our first trip of the year in Year 2. We visited St Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument and London bridge to observe and make links with ‘The Great Fire of London’



In Maths, we have developed our teamwork, communication and resilience skills to understand place value in numbers. We used the dienes and manipulated them to create a range of numbers in the hundreds, tens and units. We also had a go at writing the numbers on our whiteboards. The key vocabulary that we focussed on was ‘place value, amount, tens, tys, ones, units and hundreds.