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Curwen Primary School


Summer 2


Our Science topic culminated with a trip to Colchester Zoo, where we looked at animals from around the world and learnt about their natural habitats. This was such a positive experience for us, we’ve understood how animals adapted to survive in their environments and the challenges they face. Back at school we used our computing skills to research and learn lots of facts about the animals and we used this knowledge to write some amazing animal poems which we performed in front of our parents and carers.


We have been preparing for our Geography Day at Chalkwell Beach where we investigated the question ‘How have humans impacted the environment?’ In Maths we created our own tally charts to collect data about transport, litter, amenities and wildlife at Chalkwell. We have been practising our tallying and data analysis skills ready for our trip to the beach. We worked as a team to find out the information and shared this with our peers.


What a wonderful time we had on our last Big Outcome of Year 2! Our parents and carers were invited in to join us for our Poetry Afternoon where we performed a range of poems. In Literacy we prepared for this by exploring poetry and reading these out loud with expression and actions. Using features of poems we had learnt about, such as similes, rhyme and rhythm, we wrote our own poems about our favourite animals following our trip to the zoo. Having our parents/carers in school was such a lovely way to end the year.

We have enjoyed all of our fun learning activities this year and we have some wonderful memories of our time together in Year 2. We are looking forward to many more exciting experiences in Year 3!