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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1


In Literacy, we used our listening and communication skills to share a range of stories and their morals. We have been learning to use nouns and adjectives in our writing and most recently developed our writing skills to write a non- chronological report about the ducklings. We were encouraged to use capital letters, finger spaces, question marks and exclamation marks!


In History, we have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’ and the children have been extremely enthusiastic to learn about how the fire started and the impact it had on London. We developed our History skills through ordering events chronologically, analysing sources and talking about the events of the past and how London was rebuilt.

Year 2 also enjoyed their first trip of the year, we visited St Paul’s Cathedral for a tour around the cathedral, then off to London bridge, Pudding Lane and finally finished off the day by using our artistic skills to sketch the Monument.


In Maths, we have been continuing to develop our mathematical skills through learning about place value and the properties of a number. We worked as a team to use concrete resources such as the dienes to represent 2 digit and 3 digit numbers. We have ensured we used our ‘Curwen Core Skills’ and were resilient when we found something difficult and strived for success. Most recently, we have been learning to add using column addition and carrying numbers.