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Curwen Primary School


Summer 1

We have had another fantastic half-term in Year 2.


One of the highlights of this half-term has been the arrival of the ducklings! This has helped us learn more about our Science topic ‘Animals including humans’- we learnt about what ducklings need to survive. We enjoyed observing them as they hatched out of the eggs and talked about the changes we noticed.


In Maths we have been learning how to identify right angles and lines of symmetry. Here we are exploring this in class using right angles finders to find right angles on shapes, and mirrors to find out if an object or shape is symmetrical. We had lots of fun coming up with and answering our own questions, such as ‘does my hand have a line of symmetry?’


We enjoyed retelling the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf by drawing our own story maps. This helped us write a narrative of the story, getting the events in the correct order. We have been working on our organisational skills such as writing in paragraphs and we have been trying hard with our handwriting and presentation, ensuring our letters (including ascenders and descenders) are formed correctly.