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Curwen Primary School


Y4 Termly update & photos

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  • Spring 2

    Published 18/03/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy In Literacy this term, we have been focusing on our love of reading. Each class has been reading a different class text (4C have been reading The Sleeping Sword, 4K have been reading The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips, 4A have been readin
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  • Spring 1

    Published 25/01/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy In literacy, we have been exploring poetry throughout our lessons. We began by reading a range of poetry and learned about different poetic features used by poets in their writing. Next, we identified those features within other poems, ex
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 25/11/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy During Literacy this half term, Year 4 have been practising their writing skills by creating their own original, first person narrative about being forced to fight in a Roman Colosseum! To complete the writing we have carefully planne
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 04/10/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy Year 4 started the year by focusing on our writing skills. We looked at the features of a non-chronological report and learnt about different literary and grammatical features found in them. As groups, we researched our local area and fou
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  • Summer 1

    Published 25/05/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    At the beginning of our Summer term, we have continued to explore our love of reading, moving onto our 5th class book of the year! We have been investigating authorial intent; asking ‘why’ and ‘how’ an author has created certa
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  • Spring 2

    Published 18/03/21, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy In literacy, Year 4 have been learning about different spelling rules, including how to add the suffixes ‘ous’, ‘ful’ and how to spell words with the ‘ei’ sound but are spelt ‘eigh’. Each cl
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 11/12/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy In literacy, we have been learning to summarise and sequence events from a story. In this lesson, we sequenced events in a story through role play. We had to know which chapter each group were performing, and as a whole class, we sequence
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  • Autumn 1

    Published 16/10/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Literacy  In literacy, we shared our lockdown memory boxes and created a diary, which depicted our experiences and how our lives changed during the challenging time. We started to read our class book, which has been great fun! We have used ma
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  • Spring 1 Update

    Published 12/02/20, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In year 4 we have been learning about resilience in Maths. We’ve been working on breaking codes and tangrams. It was really hard work, even for the teachers! However, we didn’t give up and we kept on trying. These tangrams are fun but tou
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  • Autumn 2 Update

    Published 13/12/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    In Autumn 2, year 4 has continued exploring the history of the Romans and their impact on our lives. How would our lives be nowadays if it wasn’t for the Romans! After all our learning and as a conclusion to the Romans topic, Year 4 put a great
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  • Autumn 1 Update

    Published 16/10/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    This term, Year 4 has gone on a trip to Stubbers to have an outdoor experience where we developed our EE Skills. It was a great start to the year, as we had the opportunity to create stronger bonds with our new classmates and teachers. We did rock cl
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  • Summer 2 Update

    Published 23/07/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Year 4 has worked extremely hard to learn about playscripts and write their own as part of literacy. The writing produced was so amazing that it was used for the LKS2 concert, which parents could enjoy as an end to this fantastic Academic Year.
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  • Summer 1 Update

    Published 24/05/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Division This term we have started learning about how to divide using bus stop method and chunking. It was fantastic to see how children were able to use their prior knowledge of using inverse and trial and error to work out division. It was a won
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  • Spring 2 Update

    Published 29/04/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Maths We hosted another successful Maths Problem Solving morning and parents were invited to come along and support their children. It was fantastic to see the children focused and engaged with maths reasoning and problem solving. It was
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  • Spring 1 Update

    Published 25/02/19, by Nazmin Choudhury
    MATHS In year 4 we have been learning about resilience and how to never give up. We’ve been doing some initial work on tangrams, trying to create shapes with more than one. It was really hard work, even for the teachers! However, we didn&rsq
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