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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1

This term our topic was The Elizabethans and we explored the question ‘Was Elizabeth the First a good ruler?’. We arranged events on a timeline, researched facts and explored the role of propaganda in Elizabethan times. In Science, we explored the anatomy of the heart the circulatory system. We demonstrated our knowledge in a range of ways- most enjoyably when we acted out the path of blood in the human body! We also carried out some Geography fieldwork in which we answered our own enquiry questions such as ‘Which is the safest entrance in the school grounds?’ or ‘Which area of the school is the cleanest?’


We began the term with a trip to the Southbank to conduct research for our non-chronological reports about this famous tourist hotspot. This was the day after the Queen passed away and seeing the flags at half-mast and hearing the gun salutes was a very memorable experience. We have used a range of reading skills this term, such as: skimming and scanning, identifying fact and opinion and sequencing, in order to improve our comprehension. We have also studied a range of Shakespeare plays and made links between themes and characters.


The main focus this term has been ‘properties of number’. This has included work on factors, multiples, prime numbers, prime factors and square numbers. We have refined our knowledge of the 4 main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Problem solving and reasoning have been a focus throughout. In the photo below we were using team work and communication skills to successfully match the representations of division.