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Curwen Primary School


Spring 1 Update

The Victorians have been the focus of our topic lessons this term. We have been learning about Victorian life, the similarities and differences between now and then and the how they helped to shape and change the Docklands. For World Book Day, (well, Curwen’s World Book Day – a month earlier than the rest of the world!) many Charles Dickens team members dressed up as Oliver Twist characters – a book that we have been reading to support our topic work and help with our literacy.



In science, we started the term off with a bang with an interactive workshop entitled ‘Mission to Mars’. This brought together last term’s learning about the Earth, Space and the solar system. This term we have been looking at materials and their properties and have carried numerous experiments testing materials.


What is the name of the fighting of style for fractions? Partial Arts. 

This term in maths we have been exploring fractions, as well as honing our time telling skills. We have had great fun; learnt how maths has practical everyday applications and develop our skills as well. We all know what numerators and denominators are and can find equivalent fractions using our multiplication and division facts.


We began this term with Curwen’s exciting poetry competition. Year 5 wrote poems about conditions in Victorian Workhouses. Semena in 5C was the year 5 winner as she confidently performed her wonderful poem. After our weeks on poetry, we began looking at non-fiction writing. We have writing biographies about famous Victorians, from William Wilberforce, to Charles Dickens and even Queen Victoria herself! Our reading skills have seen us summarising Oliver Twist, reading with fluency and expression and thinking about authorial intent.