Autumn 2
Year 5 consolidated their learning about the Ancient Greeks with a Now Press Play experience. They found themselves immersed in Ancient Greece, helping on an important Quest. As part of their final outcome, the children made clay pots in their art lessons based on Ancient Greek designs. They were excited to welcome their parents in to their big outcome, where they showcased their learning about the Greeks by carrying out dramas on the Greek stories of Medusa, Persephone and the battle of Marathon. They also displayed their clay pots and educated their parents about the Greek Gods, Greek politics and ways of life.
This term, the children have been reading their class books and their learning has been focused around reading skills. During each lesson, children had the opportunity to read their class text, understand a grammar rule and link it to their book, as well as understand what might happen next in their book. Children enjoyed making predictions and drawing pictures to summaries their class books. 5T was reading Stormbreaker, 5CB was reading Boy at the back of the class, 5A was reading Kensuke’s kingdom and 5C was reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone.
This term, year 5 has been learning about the 4 operations and how they can be applied to real life. All children have been working their way through Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. After being introduced to the method, they spent some time looking at how to apply the operation to missing number problems, worded reasoning problems and find the error problems. Children enjoyed challenge days to show their understanding and also using dienes to help their learning.