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Curwen Primary School


Autumn 1


Year 5 has been learning about the Ancient Greeks and their achievements in history. We have compared and contrasted ancient and modern maps of Greece, created our own timeline of important events, explored the impact of Ancient Greece on the modern world, debated the nature of the different cultures, governments and societies of Sparta and Athens as well as understanding the tactics of Athens in their fight to defeat the Persian Empire at the battle of Marathon.


This term, the children have been reading information texts and Greek myths. They identified features of non-chronological reports and then spent their time gathering information and writing their own report. All children learnt vocabulary that was specific to the ancient and modern Olympics, and created freeze frames about these words. They understood that information can be organised in ways that appeals to readers and wrote their own report about the Olympics, making use of parenthesis and bullet points. Children enjoyed learning about Cronos and how he ate his own children.


This term, year 5 started their maths learning with place value. They began by understanding the key vocabulary associated with maths such as factors, multiples and powers of 10. They then began looking at numbers up to the millions place value and writing numbers in digits and words. The term has been extremely exciting and children have started also to play Time table rockstars against each other.