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Curwen Primary School


Y5 Termly updates & photos

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  • Autumn 1

    Published 15/10/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic Year 5 has been learning about the Ancient Greeks and their achievements in history. We have compared and contrasted ancient and modern maps of Greece, created our own timeline of important events, explored the impact of Ancient Greece on th
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  • Summer 2

    Published 11/07/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic This term, year 5 experienced sports day and geography day. The children were allowed to display their sportsmanship alongside their parents and get stuck in doing all sorts of competitive games. They enjoyed baseball, egg and spoon, relay a
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  • Summer 1

    Published 16/05/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic This term, year 5 have been learning about sustainability and understanding how to keep the world safe for future generations. Children understood what latitude and longitude mans and why they are important. All children were able to use gri
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  • Spring 2

    Published 21/03/24, by Hana Mehmet


    This term, year 5 children have been continuing their learning about the Victorians and understanding how the Docklands were important during this period of history. While learning about the theatre in history, they used drama to act out a play by Oscar Wilde – The importance of being Earnest.


    In the run up to international week, children have also learnt about sewing techniques and used this to sew their flags onto their t-shirts. Parents were invited in to help their children and other children in the class to do the sewing.




    This term, year 5 have been reading their class texts. Children have been focusing on understanding authorial intent and learning the context behind words chosen by the authors. Each class has tremendously enjoyed reading their book. 5CB has been reading Kensuke’s kingdom, 5T has been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone, 5PB has been reading Stormbreaker and 5C has been reading Boy at the back of the class. This term has also been world book day and all children created story jars of their favourite story. This has fostered a real love for reading.




    During our maths lessons this term, Year 5 has been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. They have learnt the links between the three and started applying them to real life situations. Children are able to see that 50 percent is the same as half and that is 0.5. This information has been particularly useful when talking to the children about money and converting between pounds and pence.



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  • Spring 1

    Published 26/01/24, by Nazmin Choudhury
    Topic Year 5 are learning about the Victorians and how they have impacted our lives. They began by doing a Now Press play activity about the life of a Victorian child. The children then went on a trip to the Ragged school museum where they experie
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  • Autumn 2

    Published 05/12/23, by Holly Croxall


    This term the children have continued exploring the life of the Ancient Greeks. They looked at different sources to find out how the Greeks lived, dressed and were educated. They had conversations about the Minoans and understood the importance of trade for the people of Crete. They explored the difference between Sparta’s and Athens’ government systems and what this meant for their citizens. Children had some time to think about the similarities and differences between these two Greek states as well as how our modern day Britain is in comparison.


    Children have been reading their class book and are writing a descriptive piece based on a section of this text. Their grammar and reading skills have all been focused around enjoying and understanding the texts they have been assigned. 5CB is exploring Boy at the back of the class, 5T is sinking their teeth into Stormbreaker, 5PB is enjoying Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and 5C are diving into Kensuke’s kingdom. All children have spoken about the atmosphere in the text and the words chosen by the author to draw a reader in.


    In year 5, children have been learning about the four operations in more detail. They spent some time on each operation and have used their problem solving Curwen core skill to answer questions using these. It has been very important to understand the vocabulary required for each question and to focus on recall of past learning. Children have been able to show off the prior learning of vocabulary related to maths and of strategies needed to solve mathematical problems.

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  • Autumn 1

    Published 11/10/23, by Holly Croxall


    Year 5 has been learning about the Ancient Greeks and their achievements. Many cross-curricular links have been made with maths, literacy and science. The children started their learning with a theatre experience – Who wants to be an Olympian, where they understood how Olympians strive for success. They spent some time looking at Ancient Greek and British events in chronological order and explored Greek events which influenced our lives including the battle of Marathon, democracy and the Olympics. During these activities, children displayed excellent teamwork and problem solving.



    Children have been learning about non-chronological reports in literacy and writing their own about the Olympic games. They explored how to use punctuation for parenthesis and using colons to show bullet points. After looking at features of an information text, children then applied themselves to writing in paragraphs beneath a variety of sub-headings, all related to comparing the ancient and modern Olympic games. The children have also really enjoyed working with their partners to read with fluency and expression, displaying great teamwork and communication.


    This term, year 5 started their maths learning with place value. The children built on their existing vocabulary to talk about the four operations, undertaking a variety of problem solving activities where they had to be resilient and strive for success. They consolidated their understanding on the value of digits in a number, writing numbers in words and digits, factors and multiples. They moved on to rounding numbers to 10,100 and 1000 and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

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  • Summer 2

    Published 14/07/23, by Hana Mehmet

    Literacy and Maths

    In literacy and maths, Year 5 has been revising in preparation for the assessments. They have worked extremely hard this year, and this was reflected in their assessments. They have also continued reading the class books: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (5B); Kensuke’s Kingdom (5L); The Boy at the Back of the Class (5T); and Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (5C). This term, Year 5 were learning ratios and proportion. They began with an exploratory lesson that got them to visually see that ratios meant ‘for every’ and proportion meant ‘out of’ the whole.G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\Maths\Summer\5B 5L\IMG_6720.JPG

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\Maths\Summer\5B 5L\IMG_6722.JPG


    This term for DT, children learnt about sustainability and created windmills. They measured their materials required to create the windmills. Then they used tools (saws and bench hooks) to cut the wood into the appropriate sizes before assembling it into the frame for their windmills. The children then used computers and the software TinkerCAD to design the sails of the windmill, which was 3D printed for their design. As part of the DT Children also took part in food technology where they explored the different produce in the UK and made Pizzas using local ingredients.

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Info\Website updates\Summer 2\IMG_6605.JPG G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Info\Website updates\Summer 2\IMG_6606.JPG




    After learning about Islam, the children took a trip to the mosque, a Muslim place of worship. The Imam presented information about Islam and children were given the opportunity to witness prayer and to take part if they wished. After this, children presented an Eid assembly to their parents via zoom, to showcase their learning and to pass on the information about the prophet.


      G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\RE\5B\Mosque trip\IMG_6680.JPG G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\RE\5B\Mosque trip\IMG_6685.JPG

    Geography Day

    For Geography Day, year 5 went to West Ham park to do a quality survey of their local area. Children had to think about the traffic on the road, how clean their environment was, pollution in the area and if there was evidence of eco solutions along the way. They collected things in the park for their journey stick and compiles a tally chart which they turned into a bar graph showing the number of vehicles they saw on the road.

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\Geography Day\5B\IMG_8302.JPGG:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\Geography Day\5B\IMG_8299.JPG  

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  • Summer 1

    Published 19/05/23, by Hana Mehmet
    Literacy We have been reading the book ‘Survivor’ in Year 5 this term. This story has helped us to understand the perspective of someone running away from a natural disaster and as a result, Year 5 has been able to formulate vocabulary
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  • Spring 2

    Published 23/03/23, by Hana Mehmet


    We’ve done lots of reading this term, but one day really stands out amongst the rest…World Book Day! It was an amazing experience for all children! They created sandwich boards based on their favourite book or a book they have been reading. It was fantastic to hear all of the different stories and summaries that the children shared with the class. Year 5 got to watch Michael Morpurgo explain how he became an author and how it changed his life.  Many children mentioned how inspiring he was and how they hope to become authors themselves one day. 

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - Multimedia\World book day\2023\Photos for website\DSC_0645.JPG


    In maths, Year 5 has continued their learning of fractions. We have learnt about fractions of an amount, simplifying fractions and how to solve problems involving fractions. We have also explored angles and properties of shape this term.

    G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\Science\5B\Properties of materials\IMG_6348.JPG


    For Science, our topic was materials and their properties. We started off our learning with an exploratory lesson where the children were able to explore different materials with their table groups. It was exciting to see children so engaged and trying to use vocabulary to describe the types of materials. Once the vocabulary was discussed as a class, children were able to use this to justify which material would be best suited for certain things, such as ‘a teapot couldn’t be made of chocolate because it would melt.’

    For International Family Week, we decided to create tie dye t-shirts with our chosen country sewn on to the front. We looked at how we could manipulate the pattern and colours to create a design that was unique. The children learned how to use different sewing techniques such as a blanket, chain and running stitch. It was fantastic to have parents come in to support and engage with the children on how to sew a piece of material to their t-shirt. The t-shirts look fantastic and the children can’t wait to wear them for carnival!

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    G:\Shared drives\CPS - YG Info & Planning\...Y5\2022-2023\Photos\DT\5B\Sewing\IMG_6357.JPG


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  • Spring 1

    Published 27/01/23, by Hana Mehmet


    This term, we have been focusing on the Victorians and the way the London Docklands have changed over time. As part of our learning, through Now Press Play, we experienced what life was like for a child during this period. We have also explored how people in the Victorian period used to live and how important trading was for the dock workers. During our art lessons, we explored textiles that were popular during the Victorian period. These photos are drawings representing paisley patterns, which are said to be some of Queen Victoria’s favourite patterns. 


    For our whole school poetry unit, Year 5 wrote poems from the perspective of a child living in a workhouse during the Victorian times. These poems were based on the theme ‘Resilience’ and incorporated a range of literary features such as repetition, similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. We were then given the opportunity to read our poems aloud, practising when to change our voice, how to consider speed on our delivery and when to use movement and gestures to enhance the experience for our audience.


    In maths this term, we have focussed on fractions, decimals and percentages. This included: simplifying fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, and finding equivalent fractions. We used concrete resources and pictorial representations to support our understanding. We particularly enjoyed explored fractions using chocolate…and we even got to eat some at the end!!!



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  • Autumn 2

    Published 07/12/22, by Hana Mehmet

    The highlight for many children this term was our residential trip to Cheshunt. 

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  • Autumn 1

    Published 19/10/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    History What a fantastic start to Year 5 is has been! The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Ancient Greece in their History lessons. Not only did the children learn about the life and times of the Ancient Greeks, we were lucky en
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  • Summer 2

    Published 04/07/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    During Summer 2, our year 5 pupils have continued their work on sustainability and environment. For our Geography Day, we went to do an area quality survey around Plaistow, thinking about improvements that could be made.  The question we tried t
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  • Summer 1

    Published 16/05/22, by Nazmin Choudhury
    During Summer 1, year 5 has been learning about life cycles in science. They have described the differences and similarities in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird, as well as learning about reproduction in some plants and
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