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Curwen Primary School


PSHE is an essential part of helping all children SHINE. At Curwen, we have been learning about the 3 key areas of PSHE. The aims of the PSHE curriculum are achieved through a range of whole –school initiatives and special days, assemblies, and PSHE lessons.


Year 2 used their communication skills to talk about different ways people can be hurt and how they may feel. We showed empathy and thought about what solutions they could create if faced with a problem. The children worked as a team to act out different scenarios and shared our solutions with the rest of the class.


Living in the Wider World

For World of Work Week, each year group learned about a different industry. It was an engaging way for children to build an awareness of different career and training options available to them, as well as realising that everyone has the right to follow their dreams and aspirations.  Year 4’s theme was Showcase. As part of this exciting theme, Year 4 went on a visit backstage to the Shaftsbury Theatre in London’s West End. The children got to experience what life is like for the actors both on the stage and backstage in the wings.


Across the school, we held a Democracy Week, to help children learn about the democracy we live in and modern day British values that underpin our society. We learned about the rights that we have as individuals, as well as the responsibilities we need to uphold to be active, responsible citizens in school and in wider society.

Year 3 learnt all about the voting process and its importance. They learnt that voting is a crucial part of democracy. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens’ interests. They held elections for different monitors’ roles and Student Council in class. Each person wrote a manifesto before ‘canvassing’ their peers.  Then, candidates gave a speech to the class, about why they were the best person for the job.

Learning about diversity, equality and inclusion is embedded throughout the school year. One such way we highlighted the importance of this was by having a day where the whole school wore red to show racism the red card.

Health and Wellbeing

Children learn that there are different ways we can look after our wellbeing and health – both in person and online. One key aspect of remaining safe and healthy is to recognise the difference between good and bad secrets and to distinguish when a bad secret should be shared.


We also explore ways to remain fit and healthy – both physically and mentally. We learn that everyone has mental health and that it is important to nurture and care for out mental health, just as we need to for our physical health.