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Curwen Primary School

Our Learning

In this section you can see what we are learning - at Curwen we SHINE

A Curwen Primary School our vision is to develop the whole child, supporting and promoting the development of the whole child with a learning journey that leads every child to be the best they can be, from all starting points, and ready for the next phase in their education. In order to do this, our curriculum is based around SHINE: Successful; Healthy & Safe; sense of Identity; Nurtured; Engaged. We believe in creating a positive and secure environment in which children can learn. We place great emphasis on good manners, respect and consideration for others, through formal teaching in lessons, such as RE and PSHE, as well as throughout the school day and in assemblies. We encourage children to become self-confident, resilient, mature and independent. We also support them to recognise the importance of making a positive contribution to the life of the school and the wider community.

We want our children to be well-rounded individuals who are ready for the next steps in their education. We have devised our 'Curwen Core Skills' which are threaded throughout the curriculum from EYFS to Year 6. We believe these eight core skills support children to be able to engage within their learning as well as the wider community and later the world of work.

We recognise the limited experiences that our children often have outside of school, and therefore build in many opportunities for this within school. This includes: carefully planned educational visits in each year group including residential visits; visits to the theatre, art galleries, live music performances and places of worship for every child in their time at the school; regular visitors into school to share experiences and career aspirations; opportunities to both watch and take part in competitive sports; a huge range of extra-curricular activities to supplement our curriculum and ensure pupils are able to further develop individual interests and talents.

In order to achieve our intention, we ensure that we implement a broad and balanced curriculum throughout the school covering all areas of the national curriculum: English, Maths, Science, Information and Communication Technology, History, Geography, Physical Education, Music, Art, Design Technology, Religious Education, PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education).

In KS2 children are also taught Spanish as part of our Modern Foreign Language Programme, which is enhanced by prior involvement in the Erasmus+ programme, welcoming Spanish children and staff to Curwen.

In the Foundation Stage this is covered by the seven areas of learning: Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Personal Social and Emotional Development, Understanding the World, Physical Development and Expressive art and design.

At Curwen we use the Read Write Inc. (RML) system for the teaching of Reading and Phonics across in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and, where appropriate, in Key Stage 2. We have also devised our Curwen Curriculum in Maths for the teaching of Maths in Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Years 3/4.

We have developed a curriculum that is relevant to our pupils and promotes cross-curricular links. To make sure it remains as such, each year our Subject Leaders review the curriculum that is planned out for their subject. This is supplemented by a range of ‘special’ events and activities throughout the year, which allow pupils to deepen their learning in a range of ways. We ensure that this is implemented in a holistic way to help pupils to develop links in their learning. For example: International Week; World of Work Week; Anti-Bullying and Online Safety Week; ‘Big Outcomes’ and assemblies, where pupils share their learning with parents.

If you would like a copy of any of our school policies please view our school policies section under school information on the school website. Alternatively you can visit the office and pick up a copy.