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Curwen Primary School

Sickness & Absence

Medical Information/ Medicines 

If your child has a known illness or allergy which we need to know about e.g. fainting attacks, epileptic fits, then you must inform us in case of emergencies. In the case of asthma pumps, children who need the pump should be taught how to use it and they must have it with them in class at all times and on educational visits. Parents must ensure that all medication in school is in date.

Occasionally, a child may be well enough to return to school after an illness but may not have finished a course of medicine or antibiotics. In these circumstances the parent should bring the medicine to the school office. Parents will need to complete a ’medicines in schools’ form. The medicine will be administered by a member of the Senior Management Team or a qualified first aider. The prescription label must be on the medication.

Children must not bring medicines to school themselves and medicines cannot be given to the class teacher to be kept in the classroom. Only medicines that have been prescribed can be administered in school. Please bring all medication to the main office and sign the correct forms.

Vomiting and Diarrhoea 

If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhoea then they should stay home for 48 hours before coming back to school. 

Coronavirus and Other Infectious Illnesses

Please confirm with a medical professional and inform us via StudyBugs if your child contracts Coronavirus or any other infectious illness. Please ensure they remain at home for the recommended amount of days to avoid passing it on. Please contact the school office if you need advice on this.

Logging your child's absence: