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Curwen Primary School

Kindness at Curwen

At Curwen we promote wellbeing and good mental health for our pupils, staff and families. We believe that mental health should be brought out into the open to avoid any stigma and to ensure that people who need help tell another person they are struggling, so support can be put in place for them. We also believe that instead of talking to the children about 'anti-bullying' that it is good to focus on how to be kind. Children all learn about what bullying is and how to be an upstander against bullying in their PSHE lessons.

Our school Anti-Bullying Policy was written by our School Council, and our aims of TEAM and rules based around RESPECT mean that we constantly reinforce to children how they should be treating each other. Our pupil leaders at lunchtimes give all children someone to play with as well as a peer to talk to if they have any concerns.

We have trained HeadStart Champions, who are pupils chosen to promote good mental health and support pupils in class and out in the playground. They run daily 'Chill & Chat' sessions for any children who are feeling a bit worried or upset. 

For 'Kindness Week' this year we read 'Have You Filled A Bucket Today?' and children and staff completed hearts of acts of kindness they could carry out for others as well as kind things they can do to fill their own happiness bucket. This is displayed near the library for the whole school to see. You can hear the story here 

The children are aware that small acts of kindness help to make the school a happy and safe place for everyone.  Please watch the video to see how the children promoted Anti bullying week through acts of kindness in previous years.