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Curwen Primary School


In this section you will find out what our pupils have been learning in their religious education studies.

At Curwen Primary, children are equipped to learn and progress in RE. They are given opportunities to learn to make links with their own and others’ lives, beliefs and current affairs. They are taught to discuss and find out about others, respectfully. As a result, our children learn to respect and live with others in a Modern British society.

R.E in school is based on the Newham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. The Agreed Syllabus is a programme of study which has been drawn up by members of the council, members of the education profession, and representatives of all the major faiths and denominations.

The Agreed Syllabus reflects the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain. The curriculum is designed to teach pupils about the world around them and how they can be part of it. It tries to develop a sense of personal identity and teaches children about relationships with other individuals and groups. It helps them to communicate and reflect on their thoughts and feelings and to approach the questions of ultimate values.