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Curwen Primary School

Home Learning Packs

Good Afternoon,
We hope that you are all well and enjoying sunny weekend. The teachers have been busy preparing more home learning packs for you to come and collect at the main office. You can collect your child's pack on the following days next week, we are open until 3pm:
Year 5&6 - Monday 18th May (tomorrow)
Year 3&4 - Tuesday 19th May
Year 1&2 - Wednesday 20th May
Nursery & Reception - Thursday 21st May
Please ensure that you observe social distancing if waiting. You will be able to collect packs for any children that you have in the school or you have been asked to collect for another parent - please let us know the year groups. If you have been contacted about winning an Easter egg or prize for VE Day Competition then you will also be able to collect that.
See you next week!
Thank you