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Curwen Primary School

Home Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope that everything is going well at home in these uncertain times. We are currently trying to phone round to all of our families to check how things are, but do remember we are here so phone school if you have any questions.


We have had questions about children learning at home, and would like to stress that we appreciate how difficult this is. We don’t expect your child/ren to complete hours of work each day, and realise that parents are keen to limit how much time children spend online each day. Unfortunately due to insurance we are unable to lend laptops out, however there are lots of activity suggestions online which don’t require a computer. Some of the most helpful things that you could do is to read daily and to encourage children to learn their multiplication tables.


We have heard about some of the lovely activities children have been taking part in at home, so please do share these with us so that we can put them on our website and Twitter account. Please send any photos to


With Kind Regards