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Curwen Primary School

Year 2 SATs Meeting for Parents - tomorrow

Dear Parents/Carers,

as you may be aware, in the summer term, all Year 2 children across the country will take their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) as required by the Department of Education (DfE).

As such, we are holding a parent meeting to share with you some information about this. We will be talking to you about how the children are assessed, showing you what the tests may look like and will share with you some things that you may wish to do at home to help your child feel at ease.

We also want to give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. 

The meeting with run at 9:05am on Tuesday 4th February (tomorrow) and will be repeated at 5pm.  We expect, it will last about 30 minutes.

So hope to see you there.

Mrs Richards & Mr Potter

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