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Curwen Primary School

Nursery's Transition to Reception

The Nursery children have been getting ready for Reception. The parents have had a tour of the new Reception classes, stayed and played with the Nursery children and then joined the rest of the school for lunch time in the main dinner hall. This was great experience to share with Nursery children and their parents to see how lunchtime works and see how the children get to choose their lunch.

Over the next few weeks the Nursery children will be visiting Reception during free flow and spend some time with their class teacher before September.

Parent Comments

“Thank you for showing us around the Reception classes. The school dinner was a very great idea, thank you nice experience.”

“It’s a very good idea for children to show parents everything before the start of Reception. Thank you for the help with everything.”

“This was a brilliant idea to help the children as well as for us parents to know what happens so thank you!”

“It was an excellent day, well organised. Engaged everyone throughout. Showed that anyone can rely on this school.”