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Curwen Primary School

Curwen Goes Green

All this week Curwen have been finding ways to help save the planet! Since helping to clean up the Greenway in Autumn, the School Council have been passionate about this topic. This week they have turned the school green, literally!

To raise money for the charity ‘Friends of the Earth’ the whole school dressed in green to raise awareness for the cause. Throughout the term the School Council have also been sharing the importance of taking care of our environment in assemblies and have also added a battery bin and more paper recycling bins to the school.

1M were the greenest class

The whole school came together for a special ‘Curwen Goes Green’ assembly where members of Newham Council came in to share recycling advice and stress the importance of recycling.

Year 4’s Amazon topic was celebrated as the winner of Curwen’s first ever ‘Power of Words’ Winner shared their speech. Gua gua was chosen by the Debate Mate team for her passionate speech about why we should save the rainforest and shared it with the whole school during the assembly.

Many of the classes in the school also took a ‘Paperless Pledge’, going a whole day without using a single piece of paper! The children experienced literacy, maths and other areas of the curriculum but completely paper-free. They reflected on how we use paper as a school and considered ways to use less as well as learning why this is important for the planet. Some of the activities included making Viking boats out of recycled materials, using drama to reenact stories and setting up class shops during maths.


Heather from the School Council said, “It is important to use less paper because we need trees for oxygen and animals habitats. We enjoyed paperless day because we did lots of fun activities and we were helping the planet.”

Year 5 and 6 also took part in workshops to find ways of creating positive change. They thought about how the planet might look in 100 years and came up with ideas to make sure the world has a positive future.

The School Council will now reflect on the week and find ways to use all the activities to help make a meaningful and lasting change to the school.

Year 1 made the most of other school resources during their paper-free day