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Curwen Primary School

Easter Bonnet Parade 2019

Our annual Easter Bonnet parade was once again an amazing afternoon! Beautifully created bonnets could be seen in all classes from Nursery all the way to year 6. Every child, parent/carer and staff member had put so much effort in to all of the designs that were created. There were some very unique bonnets this year.

Well done to all the winners- it was a very hard to choose!

Nursery: Nehan
RS- Lilian RG- Eshan RDR- Zunairah RN: Asiyah
1B- Chase 1L- Riban 1M- Nabiha 1K Erina 
2R- Rayaan 2M- Heather 2I- Jayden 2S- Amara
3H- Amira 3N- Lacey 3B- Lucas 3C- Lola  
4L- Ayaan 4G- Tegan 4B- Tod 4U- Mia 
5B- Zia 5S- Yusuf 5R- Emily 5C- Lenny 
6B- Dunia 6A- Aryan 6C- Tasnim 6K- Daniel 









For more photos please check out the Gallery