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Curwen Primary School

Year 2 Big Outcome - The Great Fire of London

On Wednesday 28th November Year 2 held their Big Outcome to showcase everything the children have learnt during The Great Fire of London topic. Each class used drama to tell the story of how the fire began through to its eventual ending. The children showed the different ways they have explored the topic, presenting what they learnt during art lessons and the fantastic trips they have been on as well singing a wonderful rendition of ‘London’s Burning’ and reading some diary entries they had written as Thomas Farriner, the baker who started the fire.

Once the children finished their presentation, the audience was invited to see some of the children’s brilliant work from across the term and enjoy some freshly baked bread cooked by the children using Thomas Farriner’s secret recipe. Thankfully, the children had remembered to turn off the oven after cooking, unlike Thomas Farriner, the baker who started the Great Fire in 1666.

For more photos, please visit the  gallery