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Curwen Primary School

Key Stage 1 Concert

What an amazing performance by Key Stage 1 children!

Key Stage 1 had their summer concert on Friday 13th July. It was a lucky Friday the 13th for them.
They led a show stopping, feet tapping and hip swinging performance with melodious and rhythmical songs, dance movements and speaking parts that were woven in to express their underlying theme of keeping friendships.
The scope of their repertoire was wide ranging. Whilst they sang child friendly favourite songs like Hello, Teamwork and Best Friend, children surprised their audience with an acapella song in Latin, Dona Nobis Pacem. The English translation is ‘Grant Us Peace’. Recognition was given to John Curwen, whom Curwen Primary School is named after, with children singing and demonstrating tonic sol-fa in the song from the Sound of Music, Doe a Deer.
At Curwen we celebrate diversity through events like International Week. In the concert this spirit of celebrating diversity continued with children singing traditional songs from South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and Greenland.
The most popular item was an electronic dance music song, All Stars. This expansive repertoire from Dona Nobis Pacem to On Top Of The World and All Stars displays the breadth of the children’s musical talent.

By the end of Key Stage one it is an expectation in Music that children are able to use their voice expressively and creatively. This concert provided an opportunity for children to meet and showcase these skills across all songs sung, including Jack’s Pitch song and the Slide song.
Well done to all the staff for their huge efforts in making this a grand performance.