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Curwen Primary School

Year 2 Kwanzaa Assembly 

On Tuesday afternoon, it was great to see so many Year 2 parents come to watch our Kwanzaa assembly. The children shared what they have been learning about in their RE (Religious Education) lessons this term through songs and a performance. Kwanzaa is a seven day festival that celebrates African and African American culture and history based on seven principals. Children shared a traditional story from the this culture, of a group of animals who stopped their arguing and learnt to work together as a TEAM - exactly how we always like to work here at Curwen!

This is what some of our parents had to say about our performance:

Great show of diversity – great work!” - Janice’s mum

Lovely performance with a fierce lion and other animals, especially liked the teamwork song” - Sofia’s mum

Very interesting topic. Well done to all the children and staff for putting it together. I learnt something new today. Teamwork song was excellent” – Scarlett’s mum