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Curwen Primary School

Boys Tag Rugby Festival

Curwen competed at their fourth TTLT competition of the year on Friday 10th November as they travelled to Memorial Park for a boy’s Tag Rugby festival. There were 10 schools and over 120 boys competing at the festival, with Curwen being placed alongside Ranelagh, Kensington and North Beckton in Group 1. The boys won their first two games 5-3 and 5-0 against North Beckton and Ranelagh. They further impressed in their last group game, defeating Kensington by 6 trys to 1 to deservedly finish top of the group and make sure they collected gold medals. Well done to these children who represented the school amazingly: Nico (6R), Matej (6R), Sekou (6A), Samuel (6A), Lakshikan (6A), Dimitri (6K), Nathan (6C), Mikaeel (6C), Herbert (5T), Aadam (5T).