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Curwen Primary School

Children’s Mental Health Week 2021: Express Yourself ​​​​​​​

In light of the current pandemic and the surge in reported mental health needs in both adults and young people, the year 2021 seems even more pivotal to come together and raise awareness for Children’s Mental Health Week 2021.

The theme this year is all about ‘expressing yourself’, and here at HeadStart we would like to bring all children and young people aged 9-16 together to do just that.

At HeadStart, we work closely with schools within Newham offering support to children and young people with emerging mental health needs, along with various courses/ coffee mornings with parents.

During discussions with young people who are a part of our Friday evening youth panel, one of the biggest challenges our Youth Panel highlighted was opportunities to connect with other young people and share experiences – good and bad – of how lockdown is.

HeadStart would like to invite all children and young people aged 9-16 to take part in our fun and meaningful activities during the week of 1-7 February to support with their wellbeing, have safe, honest and open conversations about their experiences during the pandemic, whilst raising awareness of mental health.

To find out what we are doing, please visit our website here. You will also find all Eventbrite links to sign up to each activity – ensuring you are sent the zoom link.