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Curwen Primary School

International Week

International Week 2017 - just got better

This week Curwen Primary School is celebrates International Week. This is to celebrate our incredible diversity. We have over 100 languages spoken and our children come from / their parent’s originate / their heritage is from over 5t0 different countries from around the world. This is indicative to being a microcosm of Newham.

The week began with Citizenship Assembly and Parent Food Competition.

The Citizenship Assembly, which mirrors the British Citizenship Ceremony. This year we focused on what it takes to become a Great Linguist at Curwen. Children are voted democratically by their class for being their Great Linguist. Councillors Hanif Abdulmuhit and Joy Laguda were special guests who talked to the children about being able to speak different languages in a multicultural city like London.

In the Parent Food Competition Parents prepare traditional dishes. There were two categories to enter: savoury and sweet. The judges selected the Japanese Sushi in the savoury category and the Japanese rice cake with cherry blossom for the sweet category as the winners.

On Wednesday was the Mini World Experience where the whole school from Nursery to Year 6 literally becomes ‘The World’. Each class group focuses on a country. Classes get to visit each other. Travellers are given a feast of multi-sensory experiences. Parents are invited to attend and join along with their child.

On Friday the main hall and heart space becomes a catwalk for children and staff showing off their traditional clothing in the Fashion Show.

International Week ends with Carnival which is a kaleidoscope of exuberant colours, percussive sounds and creative movement that is displayed by each year group. Children learn about what carnival means and choreograph a performance. The performance was judged with this year the winners being Year 2 for representing India. This year we invited our local elderly residences ‘Curwen Cares’ to the Carnival.

Paul Harris, the Executive Head Teacher of Curwen Primary said, ‘It was a fantastic week. There is much for us all to learn from this and value as part of living in modern Britain. This is what makes Curwen, Curwen!’

Swasthi Mahabeer, one of the organises of International Week, states that ‘International Week reminds us of who we are and where we come from.

For more photos please view our photo album of the event.