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Curwen Primary School

The TTLT Pupil Parliament

The TTLT Pupil Parliament is a mixture of student leaders from all the school within the trust who children work together to improve all of the schools and make a difference within the community.

The children meet regularly to work on joint projects. This year the community theme is mental health and the global theme is health.

The Pupil Parliament have been busy laying out their plans this term. In November we visited City Hall to learn about democracy in London and teamwork.

We then returned to City Hall just a few weeks later to pitch our idea for a wellness festival to raise awareness about the importance of mental health across Newham and hoped to receive £1,000 towards our events! We are delighted to announce that we were successful! The judges told us that it was clear from the presentation that we so passionate and committed to making a difference

Eight of the children returned to pitch out ideas about promoting mental health. The judges were impressed with the research that had gone into our pitch and how clear the children were about their ideas.

“Everyone was really nervous before the presentation but we all did really well and got some amazing feedback.” -Adam

We then met at Curwen to discuss our next steps and to present what he have been doing to the board of trustees.

The children talked about what each school council have been up to this term and about our joint projects.

Curwen’s Pupil Parliament members:

Grace – “This year I want to make sure everyone is listened to.”

Adam – “I want to work together as a team to make all the school’s better.”

Elise – “I want to make sure everyone around me has good wellbeing.”

Adib – “I am passionate about global warming and saving the Antarctica.”