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Curwen Primary School

Summer 2 Update

Wow, what a fantastic year for all the Nursery children.

Our topic has been about Animals, the children have been learning all about different animals and their habitat. The children were previously introduced to different life cycles and this term we have been matching animals to their home. We have been learning about animals through songs and stories. The children have gained new skills which have developed their self-confidence through performing in a group for an end of year EYFS summer concert extravaganza. It was family week and we visited Ark Farm (in our playground), this was a special treat as we got to pet the animals.

During story time we have been reading the ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’’. The children are able to sequence the story, talk about patterns and recognise shapes. The children all had a go at designing their own butterfly wings, selecting shapes and matching these on each of wings.

The children have been building on their number knowledge and learning that they can count all objects. They have been playing what’s the time Mr. Wolf and hide and seek. The children have built special friendships and are learning how to look after one another.

It is an important time of year for all our Early Years children getting ready for the next stage in their education. We have spent time preparing the children in Nursery for Reception. The parents have joined the children for a transition lunch, played in their new class and spent some time with their teacher.

Well done to all the Nursery children!

Have a fantastic summer.