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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1 Update

What a short and busy Summer Term 1 we have had in year 1.


In Topic we have been learning about Schools in the Past. I am sure the children have been asking many questions to find out more about the past!! We went to London City Airport and walked around the airport which linked to our Geography topic travelling around the World.


In science we learnt about different parts of the human body.  We went outside in groups and drew around each other and labelled the parts. We also discussed senses and where on the body we use these senses. It was a fun way to learn about our bodies!!


As part of our summer assessment we wrote a narrative from the story Little Red Riding Hood. We started with reading the story of Goldilocks and looked at acting out the story to an audience. The Year 1 staff acted out the story in the KS1 heart space.  We then went back to our classes and acted out the story in our groups. In the second week we looked at the story of Little Red Riding Hood and used our skills we had learnt about writing a narrative from the Goldilocks story.


In Maths we looked at estimating different amounts. We had different objects and had estimate how many there was without counting every individual object

We know that when there is not a lot objects it is easier to estimate as we found estimating higher quantities more challenging. We discussed why estimating is important and when we might have to use our estimating skills.