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Curwen Primary School

Summer 1 Update

Well this term has absolutely flown by! During Summer 1, we have begun some very important work on our topic of sustainability. This is something that future generations must be educated about in order to ensure that we care for the planet and use sustainable resources.

As part of our topic lessons we have been looking at the different climatic regions and vegetation belts. We will be going on to debate environmental issues affecting us and what we can do to help. inked to our science and topic lessons, 2 classes recently visited West Ham park (the other 2 will be going after half term) to learn about different animals and their habitats. They were able to have a go at pond dipping and observed mini beasts in their habitats and looked at what made a good environment for a habitat for different animals such as insects, foxes, bats and birds.

We have been looking at narrative writing in our literacy lessons and have read some great books about disaster stories. This was the inspiration for our own narrative about a volcanic eruption. We were looking at using short sentences to build description when the volcano erupted, and longer, more descriptive sentences to help the reader imagine what was happening.


In our maths lessons we have been working on angles, area, perimeter and coordinates. We have had to use our resilience skills a lot during these lessons as we have been working on some pretty challenging problems!